ThoughtForge AI
Our Suite of Products
ThoughtForge Replicate
Convert your existing models.
Reduce cost
With just a single CPU on-prem or in the cloud, reduce the computational infrastructure needed to run AI. Reduce cloud costs. Reduce power usage.
Improve accuracy
Leapfrog your competition. Achieve over 99% accuracy on tasks as designed in unseen scenarios. Improve performance and enable real-time learning.
Scale faster
Models adapt in real-time to the deployed environment - One model for multiple robot deployments
ThoughtForge meets you where you are at in your automation journey.
Upload your existing model & python based simulation.
In weeks, compare the accuracy, data requirements, and computational efficiency of ThoughtForge AI to your existing model.
Add new capabilities your ThoughtForge AI.
Universal, Accurate, Efficient, Explainable Robotic Control.
Advanced AI enabling robots to work accurately, safely, and efficiently in unpredictable, dynamic environments.
On-prem AI that supports commonly used industrial robots, drones, and crawlers. With off-the-shelf sensors, upgrade and supercharge your existing robots, regardless of their age. Utilize a single platform for intelligent multi robot collaboration .
With 99.7% accuracy, robots can do any task robustly and safely in the ever-changing real-world.
Requires only a small set of data to train. Continuously learns, in real-time on a single CPU for sustained and reliable accuracy. A single model can be used on all robots of the same design, regardless of the environmental variability.
ThoughtForge’s innovations to Active Inference result in a highly structured network based on relevance to tasks as designed. Each deployed model remembers previous learnings for resulting behaviors, enabling it to be its own historical record.
Unlock the potential of your Robotic Fleet
Bearings, Blades, Gearboxes, Generator, Nacelle, Pitch Systems, Towers, Turbines.
Blade Cleaning, Blade repair, Lubrication.
Robotic Bin Picking
Bins with items of varying shapes, weights, sizes, and colors moving around in the bin.
Adaptive Insertion, Removal, Rotation
Inserting a part into a slot, a peg in a hole, inserting cables into harnesses.
Material Handling
Ladling of molten metals, Safely handling items with shifting contents or weight (bag of rice, fluids), handling objects of varying shapes, sizes, or density.
Dexterous Object Manipulation
Rotating knobs, opening a hatch door, manipulating and handling high-pressure and/or highly sensitive equipment.
Design to Deployment in Weeks
ThoughtForge meets you where you are at in your automation journey.
Use your existing specs or work with our Solutions Team to define project needs:
- Task Requirements
- Robot Model
- End Effectors
- Environment
Built-in simulation validates robots’ behavior safely. Our AI enables Tests to Failure in a protected environment readying the robot for safe, accurate deployment.
Successfully deploy ThoughtForge AI on robot in just 15 mins. 0 tuning or tweaking.
Unified visibility into robotic fleet performance.
Monitor ThoughtForge-enabled robots with a single, powerful, collaborative API. Integrate into your Robotic Fleet for secure, streamlined data management and configuration
With a single API, connect to any robot in your fleet to SEE enabled monitoring.
Integrates into any API-enabled software, control, or AI model.
Empower your team with standardized, unified and robust fleet monitoring and measurement data.
Identify operational and process improvements with comprehensive fleet data.
Solve for Scalability
Robotic hardware capabilities and control models vary across tasks, applications, and environments .
New uncaged, autonomous robotic behavior requires time-consuming and expensive end-to-end, full-stack solution development.
Every industry continues to struggle with opaque Machine Learning-based control, safety, reproducibility, and explainability of intelligent autonomy.